🎲Serious Game and Gamification

Course Description

The Serious Game Course provides a foundational understanding of serious games. Students learn the principles and techniques behind developing educational games that promote learning, behaviour change, or social impact. They explore instructional design, game mechanics, and storytelling to create engaging experiences. By the end of the course, students gain the skills to design and develop serious games with educational content and meaningful impact.

Student Outcomes

Students will be able to apply serious game design principles and create impactful serious games that effectively address real-world problems, evaluate game elements of entertainment and engagement to facilitate learning, behaviour change, or social impact and evaluate their suitability for serious game development.

Learning Outcomes

  • LO1: (C3) Application: Apply their knowledge of instructional design principles, game mechanics, and pedagogical strategies to develop serious games

  • LO2: (C5) Synthesis: Create engaging serious games with gameplay mechanics, interactive narratives, and immersive environments that promote learning, behaviour change, or social impact.

  • LO3: (C6) Evaluation: Evaluate real-world problems and critically assess their suitability for serious game development to analyze challenges, opportunities, and potential impact.

Activity of Evaluation



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